Tuesday 20 February 2007

Is shoplifting any different to any other kind of theft?

If you shoplift you may not hurt anyone for example, shoplifting a packet of sweets unlike breaking into someone's car they may get hurt. If you shoplift from a big company they can afford to replace the item as they want to keep the business running. They also want to stay and maintain the standsrds required to competition with other companies and satisfy their customers by providing the goods. the people who can afford to buy things shoplift them instead as it makes you feel good if do not get caught. You can resale the item you store and make profit without having to have spent your own money to buy it in the first place like the woman that stole clothes and did not get caught in the television series, 'Breaking Out is hard to do, 'Family Guy, 2005, Fox.

1 comment:

curtis1 said...

I have been a shoplifter in my early years and I believe when you can't afford something and really want the item you have the urge.

I don't agree with shoplifting as its not always worth the outcome nowadays if you get caught. Companys lose out every year relating to theft, not just the odd packet of sweets!.